Buying Medical Marijuana in Windsor – How Advantageous Is It?

Buying Medical Marijuana in Windsor

With the incorporation of medical cannabis into treatments allowed by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), one can freely visit a marijuana dispensary in Windsor. While this isn’t the only time marijuana or cannabis has been used in treatments, questions are being raised about long-term effects and efficacy.

While the world awaits further research and conclusive evidence on the matter, patients would continue the use of medical marijuana in Windsor and various states in the US.

What’s more amazing is that cannabis products do not just influence humans, recreationally or medically. Rather, these are recommended for the treatment of various animals and pets as well, almost for similar benefits as is seen in humans.

For what benefits should you be wondering, well that is what we’re here to talk about today.

Medical Uses of Marijuana

When talking about medical marijuana in Windsor or any part of the world for that matter, it is important to focus on the THC component as only medicines with high levels of it are legalized. And while CBD is still considered a Class 1 drug in certain states, some have allowed both recreational and medicinal usage of it.

Rather than talking individually, we would consider the benefits of medical marijuana as a whole.

Mental Health Related Issues

With every 1 in 4 people in America experiencing mental health-related issues, any marijuana dispensary in Windsor experiences quite some traffic. That is because marijuana is known to benefit patients who suffer from anxiety, depression, ADHD, and so on.

And it doesn’t just keep these issues at bay and reduce their symptoms, but also improves the patient’s mood, cognitive abilities, etc. Also, it is because of these advantages that patients have reduced consumption of typical medications like anti-depressants and opioids which are known to have several bad side effects.


Inflammations are more common than you think, and it is not only the joints that they affect either. Chronic inflammation (or the bad kind of inflammation) can lead to more problems such as diabetes, CVD, allergies, and so on.

Marijuana has many substances in them, and some of these are known to influence the CB1 and CB2 receptors in our bodies. It is their action on the latter that helps to ease inflammation and hence the various other problems that come with it.

So the next time you’re diagnosed with inflammation anywhere in your body, try medical marijuana as prescribed and you’re sure to notice better results.


The people looking for medical marijuana in Windsor may suffer from a range of diseases, some of which include seizures or epilepsy. Both CBD and THC are known to reduce the frequency of seizures in patients, although there isn’t enough scientific data yet to back that claim.

Now the way of consumption does matter here, as some methods seem to work better than others. Albeit the use of marijuana to treat seizures and such is increasing, concerns are being raised about their effectiveness and whether they react with other forms of medicine.

Chronic Pain

Remember THC in marijuana and CB1 receptor in the body? Well, it has been found that the former influences the latter, which is a pain receptor and is responsible for you experiencing pain. But that’s not all, as the receptor has a lot more control over you by controlling emotions, memory, executive functions, etc.

The great thing is various modes such as smoking, eating, or applying cannabis products (oils or lotions for example) are effective at reducing chronic pain. No wonder why so many people are looking for a marijuana dispensary in Windsor that can help them to deal with chronic pain and the issues that come with it.

Diabetes, Parkinson’s, and Other Diseases

Among the various advantages of medical marijuana is its nature of increasing the patient’s sensitivity toward insulin, the hormone that keeps blood sugar under control. This is the reason why lower blood sugar levels and the body’s ability to control it better are characteristic of cannabis consumers.

With diabetes come other complications, so keeping it under control can keep them away as well. Alongside it, there are things like Parkinson’s disease, cancer, and so on that cannabis act upon and relieve the patient.

And then there are other things like sleep, appetite and so on that can be improved with the right use of the products from a marijuana dispensary in Windsor.

WE Store Provides The Best Medical Marijuana in Windsor

At WE Store, we have created a variety of safe and legal marijuana products that can give you relief from the medical issues that have been bothering you, while putting a smile on your face.

We have got pre-rolls, edibles, topicals, and more products. Order the highest quality medical marijuana from our website, in the form that best suits you.

Medical Marijuana

Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana is made or created by the Marijuana plant itself and some kinds of chemicals.

It’s kind of the same product as another form of marijuana, but this is only used for medical purposes as it has many beneficial effects also for the human body.

The marijuana plant contains more than 100 different chemicals called cannabinoids. Each medical marijuana has a different effect on the body. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol(thc)and cannabidiol are the main chemicals used in medicine.

Researchers have found some studies about medical marijuana and its beneficial nature.


As we discussed before medical marijuana has beneficial characteristics for us also, that’s why some doctors and researchers also allow that.

Those are…

  1. Alzheimer’s disease
  2. Appetite loss.
  3. Cancer.
  4. Crohn’s disease.
  5. Diseases affecting the immune system like HIV Or AIDS.
  6. Multiple sclerosis.
  7. Eating disorders such as anorexia.
  8. Epilepsy.
  9. Glaucoma.
  10. Mental health conditions like schizophrenia and post-traumatic stress disorder.
  11. Muscle spasm.
  12. Wasting syndrome, cache is.
  13. Nausea.
  14. Vomiting.
  15. Pain.
  16. Seizures.

but it is not yet proven to help many of these conditions. The greatest amount of evidence for the therapeutic effect of cannabis is related to its ability to reduce chronic pain nausea, vomiting due to chemotherapy, spasticity from muscle spasms, and medical marijuana.


With legal marijuana gaining market the lion’s share in the Canadian and is market as the first or preferred choice of the masses, guaranteeing, quality, transparency, strength and availability, customers have started looking for new methods of ingesting and inhibiting extras and concentrates for improving the absorption and the so-called kick dubbing which used to Cannabis delivery.


A wide variety of products based on constant research and development in the industry has led to a revolution in the health and wellness industry with a brand-new and cutting edge accessory used in consulting on cannabis almost every week.

About cannabis delivery every weed connoisseur consuming their favourite product let it be cannabis flower or renin or vapes or gummies, or other infused products bring its charm.

For cannabis delivery, the main place in Germany supplies more and has a wide range of productivity and from there only maximum delivery happens 0throughout the world.


In India, while the tree and consumption of cannabis are banned under the narcotic drug and psychotherapy substances act of 1985, calls for legalising its use for medical purposes have grown stronger over the years.

In January, the centre told the Delhi high court that the use of cannabis is not completely banned in the country as its medical and scientific use is allowed under the law.

In 2018, Uttarakhand had become the first state in the country to allow cannabis in their state as a legal commodity.
Next Madhya Pradesh does the same as filled by Uttarakhand.

Feb 2020 first medical cannabis clinic has been established in Bengaluru, as a vedi wellness centre.

Orisha based startup hemp can’t solve the problem behind that clinic. This is how cannabis delivery happens.


Further study is needed to answer this question, but the possible side effects of medical marijuana are-

● Increased heart rate.
● Dizziness.
● Impaired concentration and memory.
● Negative drug to drug interaction.
● Increased the risk of a heart attack.
● Increased appetite.
● Potential for addiction.
● Hallucinations or mental illness.
● Withdrawal symptoms.

Some medical marijuana is formulated to provide symptom relief without the intoxicating, mood-altering effect associated with the recreational use of marijuana.


Cannabinoids are the active chemicals in medical marijuana that are similar to the chemicals the body makes that are involved in appetite, memory, movement and pain.

● Reduce anxiety.
● Reduce inflammation and relieve pain.
● Control nausea and vomiting caused by cancer chemotherapy.
● Kill cancer cells.
● Relax tight muscles in people with muscle spasms.
● Stimulates appetite and improves weight gain in people with cancer and aids.

Somewhere this is medically proven and somewhere it is not, but in the end, we all know that it’s an addiction and how dangerous it is.

So be careful about it in India also some states withdraw there can’t from marijuana.

Dr Reddy’s clinic in Hyderabad allows and makes sure that medical marijuana should be used as a medical procedure also.


IN 70 day flowering cycle, pink dusk plants produce mesmerizing pale green colours that glisten to homes and are sprinkled with early bright orange stigma hair.

Pink kush induce learning hybrid is best suited to be grown

Indoor or outside in a warm, dry climate, yielding between 600-700grams /square meter despite its relatively short stature.

● Creating a super-strong body effect and delicate teste pink kiosk is a 90/10 little bit of a lazy attitude.
● No one is certain about this strain lineage, but it’s widely beloved that she is a descendent of OG kush.
● Pink kush aims to please when it comes to the, with an average level of around 20%.
● Green by pink Apostle and a coating of trichomes resemble sugar on candy.


● We provide only the highest quality products.
● We employ young as well as elder people to communicate correctly with our clients.
● For those in a hurry we promised at most a nine-minute time from ordering to receiving your product plus we offer cannabis delivery.
● We believe in strong communicative involvement to make the communities we work in proud of.


You can not believe how much money they are asking for medical marijuana.

In the US around 3 or 4 states already announced that marijuana is not illegal if you ask for the medical benefits it has.

Now around 146 billion US dollars are in the market.

We are we would be highly obliged to give you the correct services. if you want to connect with us just search this web and register your name and all the details. Those we want and you will be one of our favourite customers in futures.

Thank you so much.

Medical Marijuana

Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana is a kind of plant-relateda item. Medical marijuana is made or created by the medical Marijuana plant itself and some kinds of chemicals. It is a combination of chemicals that would be collected from cannabis.

More than 100 chemicals are contained in this medical marijuana and each and everyone has a different effect. And for every medical marijuana, they have a different consequence.

Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol(thc)and cannabidiol are the main chemicals used in medicine.

And every chemical is responsible for different uses in our body. Medical marijuana can help us to reduce the body pain, stress and anxiety and it can improve our immune system of ours.


We already discussed the medical benefits of medical marijuana. Now we are going on a discussion specifically for those benefits. Those are…

Alzheimer’s disease

can be beneficial for Alzheimer’s disease.

Appetite loss.

it can treat the loss of appetite and can increase the hungriness of the affected person.


  • it is a very good solution for can’t
  • er. Crohn’s disease.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Eating disorders such as anorexia.
  • Epilepsy.
  • for memory loss and, it can be beneficial.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Muscle spasm.
  • Wasting syndrome, the cache is.
  • Nausea.
  • can reduce nausea and vomiting.
  • Pain.
  • Seizures.
  • Those are the real benefits of cannabis or medical marijuana. And these can help the human body from different aspects. medical marijuana.
  • Rather than this medical marijuana, you should only for medical use.

But at the same time, you should not be addicted to good any time.

It is good where you can use this cannabis for you in a limit for medical us e. medical marijuana.


Cannabis is delivered very uniquely for every person. If it is legal in some countries it will be available in normal shops or dispensaries very easily for limited dosages. medical marijuana.

In India, it is also available online and offline so the delivery of this would be very common for people.

The best medical marijuana dispensaries in Canada are in Windsor.


In another country, marijuana is legal and they are using that occasionally for medical purposes as it has many medical benefits as well.

So other states have some marijuana dispensaries which are very beneficial for your health.

And in India also we have some dispedispensaries marijuana dispensaries like in Bangalore Dr reddy dispensaries. medical marijuana.



India at first banned the matter of medical marijuana. But after some days it became one of the products for medical use only. Medical marijuana.

In January, the central govt announced that medical marijuana is not banned. People can use it for the benefit of health.

At first Uttarakhandin 2018 has removed this ban on marijuana. And after this many states are following this method. medical marijuana.

A medical marijuana shop was first established in February, as the clinic of medical marijuana. In Odisha, they have already solved the problem related this medical marijuana and do business very effortlessly. At first, they also put baan on this marijuana, but after some time they remove this ban and told them it can be used for medical purposes.


Further study is needed to answer this question, but the possible side effects of medical marijuana are-

  • Increased heart rate.
  • Dizziness.
  • Impaired concentration and memory.
  • Negative drug-to-drug interaction.
  • Increased the risk of a heart attack.
  • Increased appetite.
  • Potential for addiction.
  • Hallucinations or mental illness.
  • Withdrawal symptoms.

There is also some marijuana are their 2hich responsible for mood swings and pain relief medication for humans. medical marijuana.

That can be used as the best product for treating those very important diseases. It can strengthen your immune system and the cardiovascular system.

It can also use as an antidepressant.


  • Reduce anxiety.
  • Reduce inflammation and relieve pain.
  • Kill cancer cells.

IIanelax tight muscles in people who have muscle spasms be used as a medical procedure also.medical marijuana.


IN 70 day flowering cycle, Medical marijuana plants produce mesmerizing pale green colors that glisten in homes and are sprinkled with early bright orange stigma hair.

Medical marijuana induces learning hybrid is best suited to be grown. medical marijuana.

Creating a super-strong body effect and delicate tested medical marijuana is a 90/10 little bit of a lazy attitude.

Medical marijuana aims to please when it comes to the, with an average level of around 20%.


We provide only the highest quality products. medical marijuana.

We are very responsible for our work. We love to help people. We know the value of our clients in front of us. We recruit young and elder people with experience in doing work.

And this is how they can help us to communicate with people from different age groups. It is a great and very successful idea for our company. medical marijuana.

For those people who do have more time on their hands. We are giving the one opportunity to connect with us only within nine minutes. Within this time we will be at the door of your house and the product is delivered to you. medical marijuana.


The marijuana market is very high. About 116 billion markets it has throughout the whole world.

India also has a great market. Because of its addition, it has become very populated. medical marijuana.

But you should know how to use that cannabis for medical reasons. You should always remember that it is an addictive drug that can harm your health in the long term. medical marijuana.

Thank you.

Why shred cannabis is just the thing that you need?


Recent years have seen the beginning of the dispelling of various marijuana misconceptions. At the same time, the societal stigma around marijuana is starting to fade. Weed delivery website provides all kinds of cannabis products that everyone thrives for. In fact, athletes and fitness experts who champion marijuana’s health advantages are starting to refute the perception of stoners as fat, sluggish people. Here we will talk about a few types of cannabis shred types and the benefits of it that have proven to be super beneficial.

Chronic pain

Over 10,000 scientific research on the therapeutic uses and side effects of cannabis were reviewed by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine last year. The use of medical cannabis shred to relieve chronic pain was one topic that received careful attention in the report. More than 25 million persons are affected by chronic pain, which is a primary contributor to disability.

According to the review, treating chronic pain with cannabis, products containing cannabinoids, which are the drug’s active constituents, or other substances that work on the same brain receptors as cannabis did, is beneficial.

Drug and alcohol addiction

Another thorough analysis of the available data, which was published in the journal Clinical Psychology Review last year, suggested that cannabis shred use could aid those struggling with opiate or alcohol addictions. The National Academies of Sciences review reveals that cannabis use actually increases the chance of misusing and becoming dependent on other substances, therefore this finding may be controversial.

Pink Kush

One of the most popular cannabis strains is Pink Kush. Aside from its potent physical effects, flavor, and aroma, it is also said to be related to the renowned OG Kush, which increases its appeal. Pink Kush, commonly known as Pink OG or Pink Kush OG, is a hybrid strain with an Indica dominant genetic background. Pink Kush’s ancestry is unknown, however, many cannabis specialists think it is related to the OG Kush, a well-known hybrid created by crossing Lemon Thai, Chemdawg, and the Hindu Kush three times. An Indica-dominant strain called Pink Kush is well renowned for its calming properties. It’s the ideal variety to keep on hand for managing stress and letting go of the day’s troubles. The trichome covering and pink accents that break up the dense and compact green nugs almost give it a glazed candy appearance.

Does Pink Kush live up to the hype despite being recognized for its beautiful floral fragrances, vivid color, and potent high?

The THC lab tests that are now available indicate that this strain averages at 20% and the CBD levels hardly ever rise above 1%. The National Institutes of Health estimate that people have been using cannabis, sometimes known as marijuana, to treat illnesses for at least 3,000 years. Cannabidiol, a component of cannabis, was approved as a treatment for some forms of epilepsy in June 2018; nonetheless, the Food and Drug Administration has not found cannabis to be safe or effective in the treatment of any medical condition.

The intense flavour of Pink Kush

Given its equally pungent scent, Pink Kush’s intense flavor shouldn’t come as a surprise to you. It starts off with a sweet flavor that reminds me of candied vanilla, then transitions into a floral flavor with notes of pine or maybe musty earth. Cannabis strain experts frequently adore this strain’s complex flavor. Along with some berry and flowery undertones, you can definitely sense a sweet and creamy vanilla perfume. The main advantages of Pink Kush are its relaxing effects, which make it ideal for relieving stress and anxiety at the end of the day. For people who endure pain and may be looking for continuing pain management, its lovely body sensation is excellent.

CBD for pets and people

One of the most exciting areas of cannabis study is the potential muscle and joint inflammation reduction. CBD, a non-psychoactive cannabinoid present in marijuana, has been shown in numerous studies to reduce inflammation. Its potential to cure autoimmune diseases like Crohn’s disease, lupus, and psoriasis is now being investigated by researchers. CBD for pets has also proven to be very beneficial. You can get all of these cannabis products from a reliable weed delivery website

Dabbing Cannabis Extracts

Dabbing Cannabis Extracts

The We Store is Windsor Ontario’s no.1 stop for dabbing cannabis extract related information and products. With Legal marijuana gaining market the lions share in the Canadian and US market as the first or preferred choice of the masses, guaranteeing quality, transparency, strength and availability, customers have started looking for new methods of ingesting and inhaling extracts and concentrates for improved absorption and the so called “KICK”.

Dabbing which used to be a thing only among a select few is gaining popularity especially with customers at the We store’s various locations, which is why we thought of coming up with a little tutorial on Dabbing and how to do it the right way. 

 “what on earth is this DABBING stuff anyway”. 

Dabbing cannabis simply is a method of inhaling the cannabis vapors produced by fast vaporization, which in simpler terms is similar to using a bong but in finer details is miles apart in that bong uses flower or herb while a dab rig essentially uses the extracts to attain the desired results.

The process of dabbing works by heating the concentrated extracts in a dab rig using convective heating at lower temperatures which doesn’t burn the active ingredients which makes it healthier, smoother and more effective for regular airheads. This involves a few steps viz:

  • Heating the banger using a butane torch for 30 to 60 seconds and wait another 60 seconds to simmer it down to desired temperature.
  • Placing a dab of extract, the size of lentil seed on the banger which produces vapors due to convective heating.
  • Inhaling these vapors to get a high like never before and enjoying your day.

With a lot of different types of dab rigs floating in the market the basic setup of each remains the same. The general construction and parts of a dab rig are as shown in the above figure. 

With an understanding of how a dab rig works, let us now understand the important precautions to be followed while using your dab rig for puffing your favorite herb.

  • Ensure filling water in the base chamber only up to the marked level and not above that.
  • For manual dab rigs let the banger cool down for at-least 60 seconds for better vaporization of your extract without burning the terpenes to savor the taste and aroma of your weed.
  • Make sure that you start with smaller quantities of extract and gradually raise the bar. As extracts have higher potency in the range of 60- 90 % THC while dried flower has a typical THC content of 20-25 % so a dab will hit much stronger than a regular puff of your bong or joint or blunt or edibles.
  • For manual dabbing use carb caps to ensure better bang for your buck and enjoy your day.
  • Ensure that you thoroughly clean your dabbing rig after inhaling using a cleaning solution and swab out the banger of any residue.
  • Let the dab rig cool down for some time after use as touching a hot dab rig might cause serious burns.
  • Carb caps help regulate air flow and hence are a great tool in cutting down the amount of dab gear.
  • All dabs are sticky so you need a tool to get the dab out of its container and in to the hot nail/ banger without making a mess. These tools may be metal or ceramic or glass and in shapes of scoop, spatula, shovel, nail etc. based on the type and consistency of concentrate being used.

You can easily find an assortment of dabbing tool and gears best suited to your needs at THE WE STORE near you. For a hassle free experience at The We Store, a locally owned and operated marijuana dispensary, providing the largest and well curated selection of CBD, THC, Craft strains, traditional strains, Indica, Sativa, and hybrid strains, Pre-rolls, 510 cartridges, PAX cartridges, disposable vapes, vapes, lotions, oils, capsules, concentrates like shatter, rosin, resin, hash, hash rosin, keif, gummies, baked goods, cookies, chocolates, drinks aka CBD/THC/ Cannabis infused beverages rec., products which are of the highest quality and go through strict quality testing by the OCS and Health Canada.

  • When it comes to dabbing, always ensure that you get your dosing correctly because a small miscalculation in dosing might be the difference between a day well spent or a day of nausea/ anxiety. A simple example would be: 
  • 1-gram of live resin/live sugar/TERP slush/ Caviar purchased from THE WE STOREfollowing this link which contains 90% THC would have 900mg of THC. If that sugar is split into 9 equal portions, each part would contain 100 Mg of THC. And for comparison edibles with the highest conc. Of THC like indica capsules contain 10 mg of cannabinoid per capsule.
  • So to get 20 mg of dab you would have to split either of the 9 parts of those portions into 5 equal parts or the entire 1-gram piece of live resin/live sugar/TERP slush/ Caviar in to 45 equal parts with each part containing 20mg THC each with twice the potency of edibles available in the market.

         So next time you have a party over at your place or are just casually getting high over your marry-jane, read our guide to better use your dabbing rig, do visit the we-store near you to pick up the largest variety of Concentrates including Resin, Rosin, Has Rosin, Shatter, Live Resin, Badder, Wax and endless variety of Dried Flower, Pre rolls Eedibles, vapes and much more and have a blast of party and enjoy your day.

If you are looking for dried flower aka marijuana, the WE Store has the largest variety available at the nearest We Store outlet including popular strains like pink kush, indica, sativa, hybrid, jean guy, wedding pie, girl scout cookies, afghan kush, blueberry, purple, sour, haze in 3.5g, 7g, 14g, 28g at the best price.

Just type or search for “THE WE STORE NEAR ME” to talk to one of the many talented and knowledgeable budtenders and cannabis enthusiasts to cater your needs.

A Beginner’s Guide To: Cannabis Extract Accessories

Cannabis Smoking Accessories

The legalization of cannabis and the onset of a wide variety of products based on constant research and development in the industry has led to a revolution in the health and wellness industry with a brand new and cutting-edge accessory used in consumption of cannabis almost every week now. This increase in the use of different forms of marijuana i.e. vape products, oils, edibles, wax, rosins, resins shatters, hash, badder, diamonds and other live extracts.

         The most commonly used marijuana/ cannabis accessories include rolling papers, filter tips, weed grinders, bongs, dab rigs, vapes AKA vaping pens, smoking pipes, lighters, butane torches, dab-tools, storage containers, 510 vapes et-al. with such a wide variety of accessories available in the market the types of cannabis extracts available in the market form a plethora of products including but not limited in sub categories to flowers, oils, extracts, concentrates, edibles, topical creams, lotions and more. The list further includes maintenance products such as cleaning kits for better hygiene and cleanliness of our smoking areas and-or rigs.

         If you are just starting your cannabis journey, there is an enormous selection of  accessories available at your nearest The We-Store outlet. At The We-store we have the most knowledgeable and friendly budtenders to get you the right product. The product offerings at The We Store, a locally owned and operated marijuana dispensary, providing the largest and well curated selection of CBD, THC, Craft strains, traditional strains, Indica, Sativa, and hybrid strains, Pre-rolls, 510 cartridges, PAX cartridges, disposable vapes, vapes, lotions, oils, capsules, concentrates like shatter, rosin, resin, hash, hash rosin, keif, gummies, baked goods, cookies, chocolates, drinks aka CBD/THC/ Cannabis infused beverages rec., products which are of the highest quality and go through strict quality testing by the OCS and Health Canada.

         With this in mind let us now examine the various types of cannabis extracts available with us and the types of accessories needed to better enjoy the product we have.

  • Dab Rigs: AKA water pipe, is used to consume cannabis extracts like resin/rosin/ wax caviars/ shatter etc. by heating the extract through convective heating and inhaling the resulting vapors.
  • Bongs: Similar to dab rigs, bongs are used to consume cannabis buds by vaporizing them and smoking them. These are amongst the earliest accessories the usage of which dates back to ancient civilizations.
  • Smoking Pipes: A small hand-held device used to smoke weed, has a bowel shape area that holds your dried marijuana which is then burned for smoking. They come in a wide variety of shapes including but not limited to hand pipes, electric pipes, Steam-Rollers, One-Hitters, etc.
  • Vapes: The simplest method of consuming liquid cannabis extracts like distillate is using cannabis vapes AKA vaping pens. The different types of vapes include Single-use vapes, reusable vapes, 510 thread or closed loop formats etc.
  • Rolling Paper Et-Al: Used in conjugation with filter paper, weed grinder, etc. or without them, rolling paper has been used since time unmemorable for rolling a simple joint or stub in the old fashioned manner to enjoy your cannabis. If rolling your weed by your own self feels cumbersome one can always purchase pre-rolled joint from our store and light up your magic herb on the go. 

image with 6 cannabis accessories

The accessories described above are a select few of a large variety of craft and regular accessories available at The We-Store near you.

In light of the above accessories one must never forget the hygiene and cleanliness when it comes to your environment. The We store offers you all the popular smokeware i.e. bong, pipe, dab rig cleaning solutions, products and kits. For a hassle free and secure storage of your weed air tight and non-stick containers are a must, also available at the We Store near you. These prevent your weed or its extracts from moisture and give them a longer life.

One must also make sure of cleaning the accessories. Cleaner accessories including pipes, dabs, bongs etc. lead to a longer life of the product, a better taste and extended usages of your weed paraphernalia. 

If you are looking for dried flower aka marijuana, the WE Store has the largest variety available at the nearest We Store outlet including popular strains like pink kush, indica, sativa, hybrid, jean guy, wedding pie, girl scout cookies, afghan kush, blueberry, purple, sour, haze in 3.5g, 7g, 14g, 28g at the best price.

Just type or search for “THE WE STORE NEAR ME” to talk to one of the many talented and knowledgeable budtenders and cannabis enthusiasts to cater your needs.

How To: Rolling A Joint

Rolling a joint

For every weed connoisseur consuming their favorite product let it be cannabis flower, or resin, or vapes, or gummies, or other infused products brings its own charm, aura and pleasure but in spite of all the modern advances in marijuana processing and craft marijuana products the most commonly used, easiest, readily available, and time tested method for consumption of this magic plant has always rolling the dried flower and igniting it to inhale is the most common.

A joint is one of the most iconic ways of consuming cannabis, is an old school method which has stood firm in spite of the availability of bongs, pipes, vaporizers et-al. A joint is the most discrete, convenient and easily disposable method of consuming the devils’ lettuce.

Anyone with a sworn allegiance to the art of pot blazing is very well aware of a large number of crazy ways of rolling their stash, and the art of perfectly rolling a joint is widely met with admiration and a craft in itself. For the unaware and especially beginners rolling a joint requires very few items and a bit of practice.

Rolling a joint
Rolling a joint

The best part about rolling a joint is, you don’t need anything besides a rolling paper and dried flower to roll a simple joint. For a laymen user the basic supplies needed include dried weed flower, rolling paper, filter paper or tip, and weed grinder. With an abundance and variety of materials available the most comprehensive and reliable supply of materials are easily available at The WE STORE outlet near you.

  • Rolling paper: The mostly underrated part of rolling a joint is the rolling paper used. By far the type of paper used is the most crucial for a joint. Simple rolling paper or wood pulp is the one used since time immemorial. Now a days rolling papers made out of rice pulp and even hemp papers are available. The bud tenders in THE WE STORE will be more than happy in helping you select the best type of rolling paper as per your needs.
  • Cannabis flower: An entire book describing mood specific cannabis strain’s is insufficient to fully explain the different varieties and types of marijuana strains available for your use, but rest assured that at THE WE STORE you get accurate marijuana information and guidance as per your age, gender and physical needs with a commitment to sensible pricing, and utmost respect to community values and prioritizing customer time *(the less time you spend buying weed, the more time you will have for enjoying it).
  • Weed Grinder: Another criminally under-appreciated aspect of a smooth joint is the grind or rather the consistency of crushed cannabis bud used in a joint. Coarse ground or uneven packing of bud may lead to an uneven burn while a very fine ground weed leads to difficulty in smoking it. You can give it an old hand grind or a minor investment in any marijuana grinder may lead to better results. An assortment of these grinders are easily available at the we store near you.

You can easily find a selection of weed grinders, pre rolled joints, etc. for a hassle free experience at The We Store, a locally owned and operated marijuana dispensary, providing the largest and well curated selection of CBD, THC, Craft strains, traditional strains, Indica, Sativa, and hybrid strains, Pre-rolls, 510 cartridges, PAX cartridges, disposable vapes, vapes, lotions, oils, capsules, concentrates like shatter, rosin, resin, hash, hash rosin, keif, gummies, baked goods, cookies, chocolates, drinks aka CBD/THC/ Cannabis infused beverages rec., products which are of the highest quality and go through strict quality testing by the OCS and Health Canada.

image of a rolling tray with marijuana on it and text that reads "steps to roll a joint"
  1. Grind your weed using a weed grinder to getconsistent size or break the bud lightly by hand and remove any stem or seeds found in the bud. Don’t overfill the grinder, the ground material should no be powdery but in small pieces.
  2. Make the filter tip using an index card or heavy paper by making a “W” at one end and rolling the rest of the paper around it, or use ready to use rolling tips available in the market. Filter prevents the dried flower pieces from escaping into your mouth and protects the fingers from burning.
  3. To fill the rolling paper, take out a rolling paper sheet from the ream and ensure that the shiny side or glue is facing upwards towards you. Fold it and make a crease in the centre, this acts as a guide for rolling and filling the joint. On one end place the filter you made or the pre rolled filter tip you purchased and fill the rest of the rolling paper with ground cannabis leaving some space on the top end.
  4. Fold the non-glued side towards the glue side and roll it inside using your thumb and index finger to form a cylinder. Try not to press on the flower and roll it by rocking it back and fourth for properly packing the grind cannabis in the joint.
  5. Moisten the glue using your tongue or moist fingers and tuck it on the rolled cylindrical joint to tightly back the joint.
  6. Gently fold and twist the open end opposite the filter tip to tightly close it and prevent any cannabis from escaping.

If you are looking for dried flower aka marijuana, the WE Store has the largest variety available at the nearest We Store outlet including popular strains like pink kush, indica, sativa, hybrid, jean guy, wedding pie, girl scout cookies, afghan kush, blueberry, purple, sour, haze in 3.5g, 7g, 14g, 28g at the best price.

Just type or search for “THE WE STORE NEAR ME” to talk to one of the many talented and knowledgeable budtenders and cannabis enthusiasts to cater your needs.

Myths and Misconceptions About Cannabis

Myths about Cannabis

It has been a historic irony for cannabis/ marijuana that, the most versatile and precious gift of mother nature has always been covered in veils of misconception and myths. Marijuana as a plant which finds its roots in almost any climate and environment has been bound in shackles by the misconceptions and myths shrouding it. Such misconceptions have resisted human beings as a species from reaping the full benefits of such a versatile plant.

Cannabis also known as marijuana or weed or pot, or grass, or ganja or whatever one likes to call it, is a true gift of nature where each part of the plant has its own uses and benefits.

In-spite of having such a tremendous variety of uses it has always been associated with other psychedelic plant and drugs due to the false information and misconceptions spread around the globe by certain peer groups due to their lack of knowledge and unwillingness to accept things as a matter of facts.

Let us now without further delving into the different facets of reasons try to differentiate some myths and misconceptions attached with cannabis and bring out the facts related to cannabis/marijuana.


————-Unsafe, Toxic, Fatal, Illegal, Harmful—————-

Synthetic weed also known as spice/ K2/ fake weed- is a concoction made of illegal and hazardous substances which causes harmful and fatal effects on human body. It is almost 100 times stronger than natural weed which could be laced with highly toxic materials, opioids, varnish removers etc.

  • Cannabis can kill you: MYTH

One simply cannot overdose cannabis like other opioids. Studies have found that the amount of weed required to fatally overdose on cannabis is equal to consuming approximately 14000 pounds of weed in under 30 minutes. Since this is practically impossible and hence fatal overdose of cannabis is highly unlikely to occur.

  • Cannabis causes Psychosis and Bipolar disorders: MISCONCEPTION

This is perhaps the highest contested claims about marijuana but any such case where Psychosis or bipolar disorders are caused as a direct result of marijuana use has always eluded experts and researchers.  On the contrary anecdotal testimonials of cannabis users have indicated that medicinal use of cannabis has always played a major role in stabilizing a patient’s mood and countering the symptoms of depression.

  • Weed munchies aren’t real: MISCONCEPTION

Cannabis as a matter of fact affects the hypothalamus part of your brain and makes you acknowledge what your body needs even if you don’t feel like needing it. Weed in a way hijacks your brain making you hungry, horny, and tired…

  • Weed now isn’t as strong as it was before: MYTH

Botanists have growers have gone to the extent of producing selectively bred cannabis plants with much higher THC (the star of the getting high show for cannabis) and a blunt and dirty fact is that the concentration of THC now is much higher than it used to be back in the days of your fathers or grandfathers.


As it is said “potency doesn’t always equal dose” which people sometimes get confused with, i.e. stoners today might smoke less weed to achieve the same high or vice versa. 

  • You can cheat a urine test: MISCONCEPTION

There might be tons of products in the market which advertise their ability to flush the weed out of your system, but the only true way to cheat a urine test for weed is to not give one. Depending on the level of consumption by any person THC LEVELS in urine remain detectable for the following amount of times:

  • Using weed daily: up to 15 days
  • Multiple times per day: up to 30 days
  • Upto 5 times a week: 7 days
  • 3 times per week: 4 days

What detox products really do is dilute your urine, which again is another red flag to render the sample invalid and demand a new sample.

  • It is OK to drive when using CANNABIS: MISINFORMATION

Marijuana remains in your system even after you don’t notice its effects, and one may still be impaired for hours after you no longer feel the high. The safest decision would be not to drive till the next day. Regular cannabis users have a consistent higher level of marijuana in your body making it illegal to drive. People who do so can be charged and face penalties under the lay and receive legal punishments.

  • You can’t overdose on Cannabis: MYTH

 Overdose simply means consuming more than normal or recommended amount, so one can easily overdose marijuana, but it can never reach fatal dosages of intoxication. The simple and most easily recognizable symptoms of pot overdose include:

  • Anxiety
  • Dizziness
  • Paranoia
  • Loss of coordination
  • Rapid heart rate or chest pains
  • Pale skin 
  • Hallucinations or delusions
  • Headaches or blood pressure spikes
  • Unresponsiveness to common sensations
  • Vaping and smoking Cannabis are equally harmful: MISINFORMATION

Vaping burns cannabis at a temperature lower than its combustion point and hence doesn’t produce smoke and hence the harmful products of combustion like tar et-al are not produced. Thus, vaping is considered as a safer form of using cannabis.


Cannabis Rules And Regulations In Ontario

Cannabis Rules & Regulations

With the plantation of first saplings by Louis Hebert (1575-1627), Cannabis AKA marijuana/ pot, also known by about a ton of other slang and trade name, the European settlers were the first to commercially harvest hemp/ cannabis in a region which later found its identity in present day CANADA. Marijuana as a psychoactive intoxicant was a banned substance from 1923 till the medicinal use of cannabis again became legal in 2001. The consumption and sale of recreational cannabis became legal in the year 2018 after the passing of the federal act C-45 which is most popularly known as the CANNABIS ACT 2018. The legalization of cannabis was and even today widely supported by a swathe of adults despite the contrary beliefs against its legalization mainly because: 

  • It provides better access to patients for medicinal purposes and use of marijuana.
  • It has drastically reduced the opioid related over use and overdose of other drugs
  • Boost economy by providing new jobs in the industry and generate new sources of revenue and taxes.
  • Over all better quality of life with mental and physical – lifestyle benefits.
  • The government by legalizing weed has created a whole new economy and reduced stress on law enforcement agencies and sped up the criminal justice system by leaps and bounds. The CANNABIS ACT 2018 made Canada second in the world after Uruguay to legalize cannabis. The main aim of cannabis act is to accomplish the following goals:
  • Keep cannabis out of the reach of youth.
  • Keeping profit out of the pockets of criminals.
  • Protecting public health and safety by allowing adults access to legal cannabis.

As per The CANNABIS ACT 2018 and subject to provincial or territorial restrictions, adults who are 18 years of age or older are legally able to: 

  • Possess up to 30 grams of legal cannabis, dried or equivalent in non-dried form in public, where one gram of dried cannabis is equal to;
  • 5 grams of fresh cannabis
  • 15 grams of edible product
  • 70 grams of liquid product
  • 0.25 grams of concentrates (solid or liquid)
  • 01 cannabis plant seed
  • Share up to 30 grams of legal marijuana with other adults.
  • Buy dried flower or fresh cannabis and weed / THC/ CBD/ Balanced oil from provincially licensed retailer and,
  • In provinces and territories without a regulated retail framework, individuals are able to purchase cannabis online from federally licensed producers. (as of October 17, 2019 cannabis edibles and concentrates are legal for sale).
  • Make cannabis products such as foods and drinks, at home as long as organic solvents are not used to create concentrated products.

Federal, provincial and territorial governments share responsibility for overseeing the system for regulating cannabis use in its territories, where provinces and territories are able to add their own measures such as: 

  • Increasing the minimum age in their jurisdiction but never lowering it
  • Lowering the possession limits per individual or person.
  • Restricting areas or zones where consumption is allowed or prohibited such as public places or vehicles etc.
  • Additional rules for home growing of cannabis without increasing its federal limit but by decreasing the number of plants beyond which the federal laws restrict

A tabular representation of the cannabis related offences and their punishments for the ease of understanding may be depicted as: 

S.NoOFFENCE TypePENALTIES Small Amount               Large Amounts
1.Possession over limitTicketsUpto 5 years in jail
2.Illegal sale and distributionTicketsUpto 14 years in jail
3.Production beyond personal cultivation limitsTicketsUpto 14 years in jail
4.Producing with organic solvents– Upto 14-year jail term – Up to 14 years’ jail term – Up to 14 years in jail – Up to 14 years in jail
5.Taking cannabis across Canadian borders
6.Giving or selling cannabis to minors ( under 18 years old)
7.Using youth to commit cannabis related offences


The main highlights of the rules and regulations set by the provincial administration of Ontario with reference to the usage and consumption of cannabis with in its territories mandate that cannabis can only be consumed in:

  • Private residential dwellings including front porch, balcony, backyards.
  • Designated guest rooms in hotels, motels and inns.
  • Controlled areas in residential facilities, psychiatric facilities, veteran’s facilities, and residential hospices.
  • Boats and vehicles when used as temporary living spaces and not used for ferrying passengers. 

In a similar manner the legal age for consumption of cannabis in Ontario has been raised to 19 years which is higher than the federal mandate of 18 years.

The legally allowed quantity of any transaction in cannabis inside the province of Ontario is limited to a maximum quantity of 30 grams of dried cannabis or its equivalent in other forms as has been defined in the federal charter of equivalence.

The legal purchase outlets for cannabis are strictly controlled by Alcohol and Gaming commission of Ontario (AGCO) as well as Ontario Cannabis Store (OCS). If you are above 19 years of age, you can legally purchase cannabis online or from any retail cannabis store around your vicinity. On this note we recommend you to visit your nearest we store outlet. As a patron and cannabis/ Marijuana/ weed connoisseur the we store is a must visit for all cannabis/ Marijuana/ weed enthusiasts. 

The We Store, a locally owned and operated marijuana dispensary, providing the largest and well curated selection of CBD, THC, Craft strains, traditional strains, Indica, Sativa, and hybrid strains, Pre-rolls, 510 cartridges, PAX cartridges, disposable vapes, vapes, lotions, oils, capsules, concentrates like shatter, rosin, resin, hash, hash rosin, keif, gummies, baked goods, cookies, chocolates, drinks aka CBD/THC/ Cannabis infused beverages rec., products which are of the highest quality and go through strict quality testing by the OCS and Health Canada.

A summary of the rules for consumption of cannabis in Ontario are best depicted as: 

Places where consumption of cannabis is restricted:

  1. Indoor common areas in condos, apartment buildings, university/ college premises, enclosed public and work places, non-designated guest rooms in hotels, motels, and inns.
  2. At school, school grounds and all public areas within 20 meters of school or children’s playgrounds. Even in places of child care even if children are not present.
  3. Within 9 meters from entrance or exit of hospitals, or health care facilities, or their outdoor grounds, and non-controlled areas in long term care homes, etc.
  4. One can’t consume cannabis or its products in a vehicle or boat that is being driven or will be driven after consumption.
  5. Any outdoor grounds of specified Ontario government office buildings, or any sheltered outdoor area waith a roof where public or employees frequent, or are invited to (example bus shelters, et-al).
  6. On grounds of community recreational areas and within 20 meters from them, including reserved seating areas at outdoor sports and entertainment locations.

CBD and Drug Testing

CBD and Drug Testing

“A simple answer to the above question is YES – a pure strain of CBD doesn’t show up in drug tests”, but and here comes the problem which is: “almost all CBD products are laced with THC or have trace amounts of THC in them and thus none of the CBD users pass drug test.”

         Research has found that CBD doesn’t react to the immunoassay’s i.e. the antibodies that are used to detect drugs. The results of these tests depend on two factors viz. the purity of the CBD product used, & the types of antibodies used in testing the CBD products for immunoassay. 

         Generally, it takes about 5 to 30 minutes for CBD to start working after consumption and its effects last for next 3 to 4 hours, after which users usually stop feeling any effects because the CBD concentration in the blood drops and another 3 to 4 hours are needed by the body to expel any trace amounts of CBD left after its effects are nullified. The half-life of CBD is 2 to 5 days in human body (male and female both).

         Typically, companies test their employees to identify if anything they use can impair their judgement and performance while at work and hence tests are usually undertaken for presence of THC and not CBD because of the psychoactive nature of THC. The important points to note are: –

  1. Pure CBD doesn’t show up in any cannabis related drug tests.
  2. Oils generally contain a small percentage of THC in them and thus must be avoided 2-5 days prior to any drug test.
  3. Consuming any concentration of CBD above 1000 mg per day results in a false positive.
  4. One must always use CBD from reputable manufacturers who ensure that the amount of CBD and THC specified on the label matches the contents.
S.No.Type of drug testType of cannabinoid tested forTypical detection time for normal usage[i]
1.Breath analyzer testTHC2-5 hours after consumption
2.Blood testGeneral cannabis consumption Typically THC4 hours- normal use1 to 2 days – occasional heavy useUpto 25 days- daily heavy use 
3.Urine testOnly THC1 day
4.Hair testCannabinoids (THC)Up to 90 days

         Thus, to summarize the overall contents it is easier to conform that different provinces have different laws related to the recreational use of cannabis which draw their strengths and basic characters from the federal CANNABIS ACT of 2018, from which the state and province of Ontario has its own rules regarding the safe use, sale and consumption of cannabis as has been described in brief above. 

         CBD as a derivative of marijuana is one of the very few compounds derived from cannabis which has all the wellbeing related benefits of cannabis excluding the psychoactive effects of THC. CBD (aka CANNABIDIOL) in its pure state easily passes the drug test without any complications. Any CBD oil which contains trace/ minor amounts of THC will show a positive result on drug testing and any person using a mixture of THC and CBD will fail a drug test.

                  For the beat quality and standard of cannabis products please visit your nearest we store outlet or a visit to THE WE STORE website is a must for all your bong related needs and queries. With a community and value driven approach The We store is the best pot dispensary with an array of high quality Cannabis products and accessories near you (please visit to find us stand true.).

[i] The values indicated in the table are approximate and must not be considered as absolute values of time. Always consult your physician for exact values and detection times.